Lycaenidae, the Gossamer-winged, is the 2nd largest family of butterflies, behind Nymphalidae, with over 5,000 species worldwide. They constitute about 30% of the known butterfly species, including subfamilies of Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks and Harvesters. Adults are under 5cm usually, brightly coloured, sometimes with a metallic gloss. They have hairy antenna-like tails complete with black and white annulated appearance. Many also have a spot at the base of the tail and turn around upon landing to confuse potential predators from recognizing the true head orientation, causing predators to approach from the true head end resulting in early visual detection. - Wikipedia

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Lycaeninae, the coppers, are a subfamily of the gossamer-winged butterflies.
They are yellow to white below, with silver-centered dark stripes and an orange tornus. Represented only by one species in the Philippines, Cigaritis (formerly Spindasis).
Brownwings, harvesters and woolly legs
Generally brown or white Lycaenids. They are unique among butterflies in having predatory larvae. Miletinae are entirely aphytophagous (do not feed on plants).